
奖学金是一个很好的资源,可以帮助你减少对学生贷款的依赖. 大峡谷大学为新生和返校学生提供各种各样的奖学金. 要开始您的奖学金搜索,请选择下面列出的选项之一或联系财政援助办公室 & Scholarships at [email protected], (616) 331-3234, or toll-free at (800) 748-0246.

Admissions Scholarships

Opportunities for new freshman & transfer students based on academic merit

myScholarships - GVSU and external Scholarships

GVSU和外部奖学金的机会,为新的和现有的学生基于学术成绩, financial need, major, and more

The scholarships team is here to help you! 如果你想安排一个预约帮助你的奖学金搜索,并收到对你的一般申请的反馈, please email [email protected].

Scholarship Tips and Resources

Whether you are applying for merit scholarships, myScholarships, or outside scholarships, 通过制定一个游戏计划和利用校园资源,奖学金申请过程可以变得更容易. 我们的奖学金团队成员可以在奖学金搜索的每一步提供帮助. For specific questions, please email [email protected]

Scholarship Resources

The Scholarship Timeline. To be considered for as 尽可能多的奖学金,至少在一年内开始寻找 advance. 大多数奖学金的截止日期在12月到3月之间 for the upcoming year. You may consider inputting these dates into 你的日历与每年重复,因为许多这些日期保持不变 same every year. Start early and stay organized.

References 101.

  • Who to ask: Scholarships will often specify who 他们想要一封推荐信,比如教授的 or supervisor. If the letter does not specify, ask a teacher, 教授,社区成员,或导师,了解你,可以 speak positively about your character. Avoid using family members.
  • How to ask: Asking in-person provides a personal 触摸,但它是完全没有问题的电子邮件请求的信 recommendation. 解释这个字母的用途 deadline. 你也可以考虑说明任何具体的经历 (volunteer project, research, etc.) that you would like the writer to speak on. 在myScholarships中,用户将标明他们的奖学金 would like to list as references. The system will contact the 参考通过电子邮件与信件提交说明. You should 联系推荐人,请他们写一封推荐信 recommendation before you list them in myScholarships. 你应该提前询问,至少一个月前 the application deadline.
  • What to provide to letter writers:
    • 你申请的奖学金的描述.
    • 一份最近的简历来说明你的成就.
    • 任何你希望作者强调的具体例子.
    • 您希望提交信件的时间框架.
    • 写完信后一定要向写信人表示感谢 is submitted.

Writing the Winning Essay. When writing scholarship 散文,讲述你的故事,突出你的性格特点, 同时确定回答作文提示/问题. Depending on 提示,你可能想要包括你的家庭信息 背景,面临的障碍,社区参与,或者你的生活 purpose and passions. The Fred Meijer Center for Writing and Michigan 作者可以预约和预约,这是一个伟大的 资源,帮助你在任何阶段的写作过程.

Refining your Resume. While a resume is not required 对于所有的奖学金,你可能会被要求上传你的简历 specific scholarship opportunities.  If a resume is required, the 奖学金委员会将能够查看您提交的简历. You 这份简历能进一步体现你的学术成就吗 achievements, and community involvement. The GVSU Career Center provides an extensive resume guide with examples and offers personalized resume reviews.

Email the Scholarships Team. We are here to help you! 如果你想安排一个约会来帮助你的 奖学金搜索,并收到你的一般反馈 application, please email [email protected].

Always and some scholarships require it! Scholarship 捐赠者是慷慨的个人,他们给予支持教育事业 endeavors of students like you. Receiving a well written thank you 来自学生的礼物总是特别的,让捐赠者知道他们的 scholarship was greatly appreciated.  We encourage you to take the 是时候表达你的感激之情,并提醒他们为什么学生会欣赏 their gifts! 如果你获得了大峡谷奖学金 需要一封感谢信,你就可以完成感谢信 after you accept your award. This can be done under the Action 在我的奖学金中,你的仪表盘的必要部分. For scholarships 这需要一封感谢信,你必须首先完成这封信,并有 申请通过后,奖学金将支付给你. Thank you 信件直接与奖学金捐赠者共享.

Be patient. Sometimes it will be months before you 知道你被选为奖学金获得者. myScholarships 奖项通常在春末夏初颁发 upcoming academic year. If you are awarded a Grand Valley scholarship, you will be contacted via email. You can check the status of your 在myScholarships系统的“Awards”选项卡下随时提交申请.

In many cases, yes. To edit an application, click View Application. You will know if you are able to edit your 如果启用了Edit按钮以执行操作,则应用程序. If the 按钮被禁用,奖学金已经达到了一个点,它可以 no longer be edited. We still highly recommend thoroughly reviewing 提交申请前的材料和/或答案.

Go to to access the myScholarships database. Click the blue "Sign into myScholarships" button. Enter your GVSU network login (username and password). 如果您需要登录名或密码方面的帮助,请访问 然后点击个人信息选项卡.

Yes. You must be an admitted student at Grand Valley 用网络ID和密码申请州立大学 scholarships through the myScholarships system.

For any technical difficulties, we recommend you 通过反馈与我的奖学金支持团队联系 feature in your myScholarships profile. Please be as specific as 可能在您的请求中,因为这使支持团队更容易 to resolve the issue. This team is not Grand Valley staff members, so make sure your issue is technical.

There is no specific amount. However, the more 你回答的问题越多,你就能获得越多的奖学金 now and in the future. If you have new profile questions to answer, 你会在仪表板上看到一个灰色的条,上面写着“你仍然 有突出的问题可以让你获得更多 opportunities! 点击这里继续回答更多匹配问题."

您还可以查看您已经回答的问题并更新 通过单击左侧仪表板上的Questions选项卡来查询 side of your screen.

Page last modified October 4, 2023